Broadcast Zoom Lenses from Milford, Illinois

Rely on E.N.G. Optical Services, based in Milford, Illinois, for broadcast zoom lenses and repairs. You'll appreciate our quick turnaround times and high level of expertise, as we uphold the integrity of your production quality with superior lenses and service.

Camera Lens

Lens Services

Keep your camera lens in excellent condition with annual cleaning and servicing from our company. Have you dropped or damaged your lens servo unit?

Look to us to repair, rebuild, or replace damaged pieces to get you back in business in as little as 24 to 48 hours. Trust the company that offers a 6-month warranty with each job we perform. We provide sales and service for the following types of lenses:

  • ENG, Zoom, Standard, Telephoto, Wide Angle, High Definition
  • 1/2-inch, 1/3-inch, 2/3-inch

Contact us today to receive a free estimate on our lens service and repairs.